September 19, 2018

Contact us

Positions available

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students are welcome to work with us for periods of one year or longer. To apply for a position in the lab, please send a cover letter describing your research interests and career goals with your transcript to

Graduate Students

Information on applying to our graduate program can be found on the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program website:
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program

Post-doctoral Scientists

To apply for a post-doctoral position in the lab, please send a cover letter and CV to:

Christina Sigurdson, DVM, PhD
Department of Pathology
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Leichtag 375
La Jolla, CA 92093-0612

Our location

UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr.
Leichtag Biomedical Research Building, Room 375
La Jolla, CA   92093-0162
Phone: 858-246-0521